Thursday, June 7, 2007

Renting Out Great Circles

Weightlessness could become a commodity. Certain manufacturing processes might benefit. What must you do? Travel at approximately 8 km/s. If you don't do this at the equator, you have to account for the rotation of the earth in some non-fun ways, but the way this would probably work is for a really long, continuous magnetic levitation track to be contructed along a longitude - probably one that runs across the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. It would have to be tall enough to not be hindered by icebergs or ships. To get on, or off, you'd have to be travelling at 8 km/s. But, there could be a continuous train of carriages dedicated to different things - science, tourism, etc. Imagine the headlines 200 years from now - meteor brings great circle train to halt.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Your cellphone comes with a laser pointer (maybe; or just a viewfinder display). When you see a number somewhere - say in a newspaper or on an advertisment billboard, you point and your cellphone sees that you're interested in a number and asks if you want to save that number - reads it out. You say yes, or dial, or something like that.