Monday, September 11, 2017

AirBnB Missing Features

Far as I know, this is *STILL* not possible. What's the point of paying Haseeb Qureshi $250k a year if you can't what this out in a couple of days Jeff Dean style?

Give your guests a *menu* - if they want, they should be able to choose and pay extra for the bath robe, the massage chair, access to the garden, etc, etc, etc...


Sunday, September 10, 2017

Google Inbox Missing Feature (Applies to Gmail as well)

You get an email such as : Airbnb reservation request.

What you next need to pop-up - is your checklist.

Can you see to it please Pichai? Give me the email, but give me also a clear and present button to launch my designated checklist to deal with 'from:airbnb subject:"reservation request"'