Friday, July 10, 2020

Now Wouldn't That Be Cool On Google Maps

You're driving and you want to know what kind of cell-phone coverage you're going to be getting on the road ahead - see, there's a 5 mile sketchy "short" cut where you have sketchy service - meaning, if it's dark and something happens, you'd wish you were safe and home in bed, and there's the longer 22 mile road around the farms with reliable service.

Wouldn't you want that standing out on the map?

Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Can you provide an option to dim/warm based on total bright area - that is, yes, flux is great, much better than nothing. But, now, when I have a blank Word doc or PPT slide taking up the entire screen, EVEN the dimmed/warmed screen is too much - it needs to be dampened further.

See to it, will you, Luke!

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

How About That for a Cool Aerospace Engg PhD?

We have good drones today. The disillusioned US born Bangladeshi guy who was going to RC controlled planes loaded with explosives into the Pentagon found fixed wing aircraft that could do 600 mph.

So? Here's the proposal :

we put an end to aviation disasters by sending fixed-wing drones to intercept civilian (or military) aircraft in trouble and provide the necessary resource. For example, if one out of two engines is dead and that's going to make the landing dicey, you can get a drone to deliver an engine that can attach to the tip of the wing on which the bad engine is, and ensure the plane is stabilized for a good landing.

You've probably thought up better ideas already. Go!