Saturday, June 27, 2015

Million Dollar Booty

Has the telemarketing industry addressed this one yet? I've experienced it, you've experienced it (unless your name is John Smith) and if you're John Knierimann, you've publicly admitted it : when you answer a call and the caller says may I please speak to Mr. John eee mann, you know it's someone you don't know - aka a telemarketer.

So, why not someone create a website that these bums can use - they can put in the name and it'll tell them the phonetic spelling - and even give them an audio sample.

Better still - it'll give them a scientifically engineered sequence of everyday words they can first roll off their tongue to be able to get this one right.

This is 22nd century science people!

Friday, June 26, 2015

The Chipotle Millionaire

Here's something someone could invent to help Chipotle be faster with their service  - you've seen how lines can get out of control at peak hours.

What's slowing them down is the physical act of scooping out supposedly regulated quantities of food from their bins - rice, beans, etc..

Why not invent a ladle that gets itself ready? - leave it in there and 5 seconds later, it's ready with the offering. How hard would this be? Of course, you want the dispensing to be easy too..

And, another thing they might think about to help their struggling same-store sales is to offer a small discount when you visit outside of peak hours - something nominal - like 3% - which would be about 20c for a $7 burrito.