You've heard of it on the news - person working on his laptop in a coffee shop, gets distracted, goons grab it - while it's unlocked - and, they even have access to his data and accounts - probably more valuable than the piece itself.
Fear no more. The sensor interface group working day and night at Cupertino under the watchful tutelage of Marty G has cooked up the perfect solution :
While you work, so do the cameras - both of them, and the brains.
First, it figures out your in a public place. Plug in Man, plug in, so I have juice to keep you safe, it screams.
You do, and now, using the engine developed by NSO and Mossad and the guys acquired from Primesense, it keeps watch - there are tell-tale signs that the bums coming in aren't looking for a caffeine-hit. No sir!
If your Mac now sees that your eyes have left the screen - guess what? - auto-lock. And, if you then don't log back in within 30 minutes - data shred! That's a factory-reset mate! Your data is safe! You are safe! What would Ross Ulbricht not give for this?
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