Sunday, October 8, 2017

Oh For a Grown Up Version of Micro$oft Outlook!

How about letting users save *their* preferences for receiving mail from *you* so that, when you're sending a link to a file, Outlook can tell you : "x and 2 others in your send-to list would prefer the actual document rather than the link. Would you like to send them the attachment?"

Why not?

Of course, with Google Drive, things are easy - the link is always available. M$ trolls say they want to be able to look at the file on their phone on the plane and Sharepoint doesn't let them do that. Makes sense.

You know what we need? We need the second coming of Linux Torvalds. We need someone to create a framework for a new society where we use an open source version of Google (and doesn't feed you ads), an os version of Facebook, which doesn't feed you ads and fake news, an os version of AMZN, an os version of LinkedIn. M$ is not the evil empire anymore - at least, not the only evil empire..

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