Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tailgate-Proof Access Control

Applied to cars of course. Very simply, you first get on a see-saw. To get on the see-saw is free. But, when you're on the see-saw without access, the secure area is now about 3' lower (or higher) than the floor the car is on. Now, if you are granted access, the system will tilt the see-saw such that you can easily move onto that secure area, but someone trying to tail-gate will have to make a 3' leap - or drop - which the probably won't (this will send off-road sales through the roof).

Another possibility - rollers that you lock to grant access. So, the approach basically has rods perpendicular to the direction of motion. These rods serve as axes for cyclinders which are the rollers. If they're not locked, then a ratchet arrangement can be used to ensure that the driver can reverse, but, if he tries to go forward, he'll be spinning uselessly. Nice?

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