Saturday, July 2, 2016

Dear Gargle, Please Design an Intelligent for Me

I wonder if Google Now makes Amazon Alexa redundant - I found yesterday I could tap the mic and say "play mendelsohn's scherzo from midsummer night's dream from Youtube" and ... (and even I wasn't sure if I had the right pronunciation of scherzo - or spelling for that matter).

Now, to the point : I've had one scuffle with AirBNB over a scathing review for a malicious host. At issue - honesty - not revealing the cleaning fee was actually $75 unless you did janitorial slave duty yourself. Also, not revealing how many people you'd share the bathroom with. 

So, can we design a browser extension that can make these important number leap out of the page at you - and if you need email interaction, it can talk to AirBNB's API and initiate the process? How hard is this to do?

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